
Mike Katell

Mike Katell earned his Ph.D. at the UW Information School. His interests include privacy, surveillance, and the commercial use of data collected about individuals. He has a specific interest in the aspects of trust and dependence inherent in the use of emerging technologies.

Stephanie Ballard

Stephanie was a Ph.D. student at the UW Information School. Her research is in the area of emerging technologies and technology policy. In particular, Stephanie is interested in the design of data intensive tools and corresponding regulation.

Hannah Almeter

Hannah Almeter was a Program Manager with the Tech Policy Lab. During her time at the Lab, she supported Lab operations, communications, and events, as well as the Diverse Voices project.

Emily McReynolds

Emily McReynolds was the first staff Program Director at the Tech Policy Lab. Emily’s research interests include privacy and security in emerging technology, particularly internet-connected toys and devices in the home and intelligent personal assistants.