
July 31, 2024

TPL paper wins student award at PETS

A Tech Policy Lab paper was awarded in the Runner Up category at the 2024 Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium.

“Over Fences and Into Yards: Privacy Threats and Concerns of Commercial Satellites,” was written by Rachel McAmis, Mia Bennett and Tadayoshi Kohno, along with Mattea Sim of University of Indiana Bloomington.

The paper captures efforts to better understand the public’s current perception of privacy threats and concerns of commercial satellite imagery. Authors use these results to propose possible new satellite image legislation, regulation, and technological mitigations, both nationally and internationally.

At PETS, papers written solely or primarily by a student who is presenting the work at PETS are eligible for the award. Selection criteria include reviews by the program committee, the scientific quality of the final paper, the expected impact on the field, and the quality of the presentation.

Read the full paper here.