Panelists: Peter Asaro, Jason Millar, Kristen Thomasen, & David Post. Asaro, “Regulating Robots: A Multi-Scale Approach to Developing Robot Policy and Technology”; Millar, “Sketching an Ethics Evaluation Tool for Robot Design and Governance”; Thomasen, “Driving Lessons: Learning from the History of Automobile Regulation to Legislate Better Drones”
Authors: J. Nathan Matias, Chelsea Barabas, Chris Bavitz, Cecillia Xie, & Jack Xu; Discussant: Laurel Riek; Paper: The deployment of telepresence robots creates enormous possibilities for enhanced long-distance interactions, educational opportunities, and bridging of social and cultural gaps. The use of telepresence robots raises some legal and ethical issues, however. This proposal outlines the […]
Authors: Drew Simshaw, Nicolas Terry, Kris Hauser, M.L. Cumming; Discussant: Cindy Jacobs; Paper: There are basic, pressing issues that need to be addressed in the nearer future in order to ensure that robots are able to maintain sustainable innovation with the confidence of providers, patients, consumers, and investors. We will only be able to […]
In December 2014, Jeroen van den Hoven gave the Tech Policy Lab’s Distinguished Lecture on Responsible Innovation in the Age of Robots and Smart Machines.
The Center for Digital Arts and Experimental Media, the Henry Art Gallery, and the UW Tech Policy Lab presented a lecture with author and activist Cory Doctorow. It’s the 21st century and the Internet is the nervous system of the information age. Treating it as a platform for jihad recruitment that incidentally does some ecommerce […]