Please join the Tech Policy Lab for our Distinguished Lecture with Alondra Nelson on Thursday, April 3rd at 7:00 PM PDT on the UW campus in Kane Hall 120. Algorithmic Agnotology: On AI, Ignorance, and Power In this lecture, Alondra Nelson examines the exercise of power through agnotology—the strategic production of ignorance—drawing on foundational work […]
Technology for the People is a Society + Technology at UW salon co-hosted with the Department of Communication’s Center for Journalism, Media, and Democracy arranged to showcase empathetic, community-focused engagement with technologies for justice and democracy. Learn more here.
The Tech Policy Lab is celebrating 10 years! On Monday, May 5th, we will gather to celebrate the great work of the Lab and the vital contributions made by all current and past members of the Lab working to make tech policy wiser and more inclusive. The event is open to all past and current […]