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The Tech Policy Lab is co-sponsoring the Winter Scholars Studio – Robot Research @the Commons. Discussions will include emerging areas such as social robots, cyborgs in film and literature, robotics, drones, privacy and robots, human-robot interaction, artificial intelligence and ethics. Scholars’ Studio is a fun, informal event that features 10 rapid-fire ignite-style presentations (5 minutes […]

The FTC will hold a workshop on Tuesday, November 19, 2013 in Washington, DC, to explore consumer privacy and security issues posed by the growing connectivity of devices with the input of academics, business and industry representatives, and consumer advocacy groups. The workshop will be webcast. Our Faculty Directors Tadayoshi Kohno and Ryan Calo will be joining […]

On October 11th–13th, Ryan Calo will be presenting at the Drones & Aerial Robotics Conference in New York City, a multidisciplinary conference about Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and drones—with an emphasis on civilian applications.