June 30, 2016

Faculty Director Ryan Calo Testifies Before German Parliament

On June 22, 2016 C0-Director Calo testified before the German Parliament, the Bundestag. He answered questions as part of a hearing before the Committee on the Digital Agenda on "The Effects of Robotics on Economics, Labour and Society." He answered questions about the application of robotics, automation, and artificial intelligence for economic growth; and identified a number of issues regulatory issues legislators will face.


June 27, 2016

Guest Post: Robot Operator License: Educating Teleoperated Robot Users to Increase Public Safety

Sarah Hubbard, a student Research Assistant with the Lab, and Hannah Misenar just recently completed their Information School Capstone on a concept they call the “Robot Operator License”. After being exposed to a variety of tech policy issues with emerging technologies through the Lab, Sarah was interested in exploring the challenges and opportunities with the […]


May 27, 2016

Artificial Intelligence: Law and Policy

On Tuesday, May 24, the Lab and the UW School of Law co-hosted the first of four White House public workshops on artificial intelligence. Deputy CTO Ed Felton and other members of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy spoke on panels and were in attendance for the workshop. Other speakers included Lab Co-Director Ryan Calo, Oren Etzioni, Kellye Testy, R. David Edelman, Pedro Domingos, Deirdre Mulligan, Kate Crawford, Jack Balkin, and Camille Fischer.


May 3, 2016

Tech Policy Lab to Co-Host White House Artificial Intelligence Workshop

The Tech Policy Lab is delighted to announce a public workshop on the law and policy of artificial intelligence, co-hosted by the White House and UW’s School of Law. The event places leading artificial intelligence experts from academia and industry in conversation with government officials interested in developing a wise and effective policy framework for […]


March 1, 2016

Computer Security and the Internet of Things – Faculty Co-Director Tadayoshi Kohno presents at Usenix Enigma 2016

Computers are now integrating into everyday objects, from medical devices to children’s toys. This integration of technology brings many benefits. Without the appropriate checks and balances, however, these emerging technologies also have the potential to compromise our digital and physical security and privacy. Tech Policy Lab Faculty Co-Director Kohno’s talk explored case studies in the design […]


February 20, 2016

Federal Trade Commission Start With Security Seattle

The one-day event continued the FTC’s work to provide companies with practical tips and strategies for implementing effective data security. The event brought together experts to provide insights on how startups and other small companies can secure the software and products they develop, and how important it is to do so. FTC Commissioner Julie Brill kicked things off with opening remarks. The day included panels on Building a Security Culture, Integrating Security into the Development Pipeline, the Business Case for Security, and Securing the Internet of Things. Links to panel videos can be found in the news item.


January 22, 2016

Toys That Listen and the Internet of Things

Hello Barbie, Amazon Echo, and the home robot Jibo are part of a new wave of connected toys and gadgets for the home that listen. Different than the smartphone, these devices are always on, blending into the background until needed by the adult or child user. We do not yet know all the information our new toys are collecting, storing, or disclosing. With an intended audience of designers and regulators, this project brings an interdisciplinary group of experts together to build a set of consumer protection best practices for design and user control of connected devices in the home.


October 13, 2015

Augmented Reality: A Technology and Policy Primer

This whitepaper is aimed at identifying some of the major legal and policy issues augmented reality (AR) may present as a novel technology, and outlines some conditional recommendations to help address those issues. Our key findings include: AR exists in a variety of configurations, but in general, AR is a mobile or embedded technology that […]


July 16, 2015

How Information Asymmetry Helped Find Abducted Kids

Washington Post

Lab Co-Director Ryan Calo is featured in a Washington Post article describing how police used Spotify and other streaming services to located abducted kids in Mexico.


July 15, 2015

Understanding Journalists Information Security Choices

This blog post, cross-posted from the Tow Center, describes recent work studying computer security in journalist-source communications, a collaboration between Susan McGregor at the Columbia Journalism School, UW HCI+D Masters students Polina Charters and Tobin Holliday, and TPL affiliated faculty member Franziska Roesner. Understanding Journalists Information Security Choices by Susan McGregor In the roughly two years since the Snowden revelations, information security […]


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