October 13, 2012

Yoshi Kohno on “Can Science Stop Crime?”

The Seattle Times discusses Tadayoshi Kohno’s appearance on NOVA scienceNOW, in an episode that examines whether science can help solve crime. Appearing at the end of the hourlong show, Kohno demonstrates how he hacks into a car — opening its doors, starting the engine, and then, dramatically, taking control of its brakes to bring the […]


September 11, 2009

Tadayoshi Kohno on Computer Security and How to Think Like the Bad Guy

Yoshi Kohno talks computer security with Xconomy: We’re seeing computers in all aspects of our lives, in medical devices, exercise equipment, cars, airplanes, utility systems, power lines, everywhere,” Kohno said. “One of my main concerns is that while we’ve thought a lot about security for our desktop computers, computing is much broader than that, and […]


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