January 27, 2020

Co-Director Friedman Receives Honorary Doctorate

UW News

Tech Policy Lab Co-Director Batya Friedman receives honorary doctorate from Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands.


October 29, 2019

New DNA Security Research Looks at Privacy and Security Risks in Genetic Genealogy

UW News

Popular third-party genetic genealogy site is vulnerable to compromised data, impersonations


September 9, 2019

In London? See our work on Adversarial Machine Learning at the Science Museum

Visitors examine a display that shows a stop sign with stickers at the top and bottom of the sign.

Research exploring adversarial machine learning, or the ability to fool machine learning systems, is on display at the Science Museum in London as part of “Driverless: Who is in Control?” This free exhibit includes a modified stop sign developed by a team of researchers to fool driverless cars into misidentifying it and asks “can self-driving cars see the world as well as you can?”


August 21, 2019

Co-Director Ryan Calo on Adversarial Machine Learning and the Law

OneZero by Medium

"Using adversarial machine learning, researchers can trick machines — potentially with fatal consequences. But the legal system hasn’t caught up."


March 22, 2019

Lab Co-Director Ryan Calo Discusses Data and Privacy

Geekwire and KUOW

Photo of Ryan Calo

Lab Co-Director Ryan Calo discusses data and privacy on a panel hosted by KUOW and Geekwire with Marketplace Tech's Molly Wood.


March 20, 2019

Toward Inclusive Tech Policy Design: A Method for Underrepresented Voices to Strengthen Tech Policy Documents

Diverse Voices

New research published in Ethics of Information Technology introduces the Diverse Voices method and reports on two case studies demonstrating its use: one with a white paper on augmented reality technology, and the other with a strategy document on automated driving vehicle technologies.


March 19, 2019

Highlights from Our Fifth Year

Photo of Ryan Calo, Batya Friedman, and Tadayoshi Kohno

The Tech Policy Lab at the University of Washington has become an indispensable source for tech policy research, education, and local, national, and international thought leadership. The Lab has worked directly with policymakers, published research and guides on emerging technologies, and provided opportunities for the public to learn from experts.


February 13, 2019

Co-Director Batya Friedman inducted into the CHI Academy

UW iSchool

"Three University of Washington professors, including two from the Information School, have been inducted into the CHI Academy – recognized as the highest honor in the field of human-computer interaction."


February 5, 2019

Data Statements for NLP: Toward Mitigating System Bias and Enabling Better Science

New Research

In research published in Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, experts in information science and computational linguistics propose data statements as a design solution and professional practice for natural language processing technologists to help mitigate issues related to exclusion and bias. 


January 9, 2019

Join the New Diverse Voices Mailing List!

We’ve started a new mailing list for our Diverse Voices project, DiverseVoices@uw.edu. Through this mailing list you will be able to connect with others interested in the Diverse Voices method, ask questions, and receive information on additional resources. To join the mailing list, go to https://mailman11.u.washington.edu/mailman/listinfo/diversevoices. Through the mailing list, you will have access to: • Q&A. We […]


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