February 15, 2015
Cryptographic Currencies from a Tech-Policy Perspective: Policy Issues and Technical Directions
Tech Policy Lab members Emily McReynolds, Ada Lerner, Will Scott, Franziska Roesner, and Tadayoshi Kohno, recently presented a paper at the 2015 Financial Cryptography and Data Security Conference.
MoreDecember 12, 2014
Guest Post: UW Law School’s Technology Law and Policy Clinic: Autonomous-Vehicle Regulation – What Can and Should the States Regulate?
by Ashleigh Rhodes, Brooks Lindsay, Don Wang As autonomous vehicles drive from fantasy to reality (and they’ve almost arrived), rules and regulations are needed to ensure this new technology is safely integrated into the country’s current transportation infrastructure. States have been wondering what they can regulate and what the federal government will preemptively regulate. In […]
MoreNovember 2, 2014
Tech Policy Lab Distinguished Lecture: Responsible Innovation in the Age of Robots and Smart Machines
Many of the things we do to each other in the 21st century –both good and bad – we do by means of smart technology. Drones, robots, cars, and computers are a case in point. Military drones can help protect vulnerable, displaced civilians; at the same time, drones that do so without clear accountability give […]
MoreOctober 25, 2014
Cory Doctorow: Alice, Bob and Clapper: What Snowden Taught us About Privacy
It’s the 21st century and the Internet is the nervous system of the information age. Treating it as a platform for jihad recruitment that incidentally does some ecommerce and video on demand around the edges is blinkered, depraved indifference. The news that the world’s spies have been industriously converting every wire, fiber and chip into […]
MoreOctober 12, 2014
Privacy and Security Concerns for the Smart Watch Age
(photo credit Kārlis Dambrāns) The Internet of Things (IoT) is quickly expanding the next big product in its interconnected family – the smart watch. While these high-tech watches are not necessarily new, recent releases from companies like Samsung, LG and Apple have given them a more mainstream public appeal and market share. In welcoming the watches […]
MoreOctober 10, 2014
Building a Cybersecurity Roadmap: Developing America’s Edge
Recently the Lab sent member Aaron Alva to Washington DC (from one Washington to another!) to attend a cybersecurity event co-hosted by the Center for National Policy and the Christian Science Monitor. The event included a Q&A with the White House cybersecurity coordinator Michael Daniel, and a panel with experts including DEF CON founder Jeff […]
MoreOctober 5, 2014
Guest Post: Comparative Analysis of Data Protection in Korea and the European Union
This is a guest post by Yoon Sukbe, a member of the South Korea Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning and visiting scholar at the University of Washington School of Law. The paradigm of data protection is being changed due to the advancement of network technology. Decentralization and effectiveness of Internet technologies enhance convenience […]
MoreOctober 1, 2014
Announcing the We Robot 2015 Call for Papers
The 2015 We Robot Call for Papers is now available. Inviting submissions for the fourth annual robotics law and policy conference, We Robot 2015 will be held in Seattle, Washington on April 10-11, 2015 at the University of Washington School of Law. We Robot has been hosted twice at the University of Miami School of Law and once at […]
MoreAugmented Reality: Hard Problems of Law and Policy
Lab alumni Franziska Roesner, Tamara Denning, with Bryce Clayton Newell, and Directors Tadayoshi Kohno, Ryan Calo wrote “Augmented Reality: Hard Problems of Law and Policy” for the recent Workshop on Usable Privacy & Security for wearable and domestic ubIquitous DEvices (UPSIDE). In this paper they describe their vision of AR and explore the unique and difficult problems […]
MoreSeptember 21, 2014
Co-Director Batya Friedman Discusses “Can We Build A Safer Internet?” in The New York Times
The New York Times
In a recent article the New York Times asked "Can We Build a Safer Internet?" They examined whether the harassment and hateful internet of today could one day change for the better and discussed the issue with Co-Director Batya Friedman: "The question for designers of online communities, she said, is 'how do we either create virtual norms that are comparable, or how do we represent those things so that people are getting those cues, so they modulate their behavior?'"