March 16, 2022
TPL Faculty Associate concerned about language models roles in AI
MIT Technology Review
With technology continuing to improve, tech companies have been analyzing what the future of search may pan out to me. Voice assistants like Siri, Alexa, and much more have called into question the possibility of chatbots and AI replacing search engines. Emily M. Bender, a UW professor studying studies computational linguistics and ethical issues in natural-language processing, […]
ArticleFebruary 25, 2022
TPL Research Assistant quoted in Salt Lake Tribune on Difference Between Descriptive Data and Prescriptive Data
The Salt Lake Tribune
TPL Research Assistant and UW School of Law PhD student María Angel was quoted by the Salt Lake Tribune in explaining the difference between how descriptive data is used, and the vulnerabilities that come along with it, versus prescriptive data.
MoreFebruary 14, 2022
Co-Director on five things to know about robots
University of Washington Magazine
TPL Co-Director Ryan Calo was featured in a short video produced by University of Washington Magazine entitled 5 things to know about robots. View the video here:
MoreJanuary 27, 2022
Co-Director highlights arising security threats with increased used of AR and the metaverse
TPL Co-Director Tadayoshi Kohno and TPL Faculty Associate Franziska Roesner were featured in VentureBeat’s new piece on the metaverse with regards to their paper that calls into question the new immersive nature of AR. Forthcoming AR technologies “may explicitly interface with the body and brain, with sophisticated body-sensing and brain-machine interface technologies”, they said, and “the immersive […]
MoreJanuary 20, 2022
Co-Director emphasizes lack of penalties on Facebook’s recent missteps
New York Times
From freezing accounts of Native people, to rejecting ads that were aimed at individuals with disabilities, Facebook has struggled with making equitable judgment calls with regards to free expression and speech. TPL Co-Director Ryan Calo pointed out that “most firms that make errors face critical penalties. Facebook hardly ever does.” Calo compared the actions of […]
MoreJanuary 19, 2022
Co-Director Calo on Driver Information Collected by Automakers
In Newsweek, Co-Director Calo highlighted that “Some [auto] companies have begun to experiment with your affect,” he explained. “Trying to figure out if you’re tired and beginning to close your eyes. Or you’re yawning. Where you’re actually looking. Are you looking at the street? Are you looking at the console?”. He prompted a discussion regarding privacy […]
MoreDecember 18, 2021
TPL Co-Directors Named to Faculty Under 50 List and Featured in NYTimes Magazine on how COVID-19 Relief is Funding the Future
New York Times Magazine
Co-Director Ryan Calo was highlighted in Brian Leiter’s Law School Reports as a Faculty under 50 on the “most cited” list. Calo was also featured in the New York Times Magazine on how Covid-19 relief is funding the future.
MoreDecember 10, 2021
Data Statements highlighted in SpeechTechMag
Speech Technology Magazine
Co-Director and Professor Batya Friedman along with Faculty Associate and Professor Emily M. Bender’s recent paper titled “Data Statements for Natural Language Processing: Toward Mitigating System Bias and Enabling Better Science,” was highlighted in a natural language processing article by SpeechTechMag. It discussed AI in facial recognition systems and how data statements are key in understanding why […]
MoreNovember 9, 2021
Two Co-Directors Look Back at the 2020 Election: Data Collection, Privacy, and Misinformation
As 2021 came to a close, a few pieces took a look back about what had been learned about data collection, privacy, and misinformation in the 2020 campaign. An article on the 2020 political ads looking at personal information collected and misleading information featured TPL Co-Director Tadayoshi Kohno, who highlighted the election as a historic […]
MoreNovember 2, 2021
Co-Director featured in The Verge surrounding privacy and future societal implications of technology
The Verge
Co-Director Batya Friedman identifies the need for adaptability when creating technology to address its unforeseen environmental, social, and technical impacts in The Next Privacy Crisis by Adi Robertson. “It’s very typical that developers of a technology have one kind of idea about what its uptake in society might be, and then the actual uptake turns out […]